Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nice Weekend With Amber...

Amber came "home" Friday evening. This was the longest period we have ever gone without seeing her, 6 months!! Friday night we went to dinner at Mr. B's and then later went to hear a friend of Amber's, Pat, who is a drummer. He was playing with a band. When we got to the restaurant/bar we went down to the basement where the band was playing. We said hi to Pat and took a seat near the bar. I was looking at the singer thinking to myself that he looked very familiar and trying to place him when Howard says, "That's my Dr.". Sure enough, it was Dr. Baker, our Dr. It was weird watching our Dr. sing and play guitar! While we recognized him he didn't recognize us and we just left it that way.
Saturday Amber and I did a little shopping. When we got back we started dinner and started mixing up the margaritas. We had steak, Asian slaw, corn on the cob and a little caprese.

The slaw was a little spicy since it called for Asian chili sauce. Next time I'll add a little less than the tablespoon it called for as it had quite a kick to it!!
After dinner we took the pups up to the high school field for a little frisbee. We didn't stay long as Charlie has been doing this weird thing where shortly after we get there he starts freakin' out and running back to the car and won't play at all.

I think he's remembering the fire works he's heard going off while we were there but nothing happened tonight and he was still freaked out. I sure hope he gets over it soon!!

Zoe runs and plays until she wears herself out and she's breathing so hard I worry she won't be able to make it back to the car!

Here's Charlie doing a little play bow, saying "Hey Zoe, let's play!!"

Here's Zoe saying "I'll show you some play little brother!!"

Hope everyone had a great weekend like we did. Thanks again Andy for giving up your weekend with your wife! We really enjoyed having her. Next time we hope you can come too!!

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