Sunday, November 9, 2008

All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray...

Gray, gray, go away already! What a dreary weekend. Howard said the sun came out for a few minutes yesterday but apparently I was in the basement and missed it! We had some rain yesterday and even a bit of snow today. Thankfully it was just flakes and they melted as they hit the ground. Here's a picture. Those streaks are the flakes.

It was cold and windy too! When I took the pups to the park yesterday we had to wear winter coats and gloves. They always enjoy the cold weather. I guess I would too if I had their lovely fur coats!

Not much else is going on. We had bowling Friday night but didn't do too hot. We only took one game. I missed out on high game by 1 pin (bowled a 181) and actually won the "mystery" pot on that one though I had to split it. I made a whole $12!

The rest of the weekend was spent around the house, doing chores, catching up on laundry, etc. I did speak to Ingrid yesterday and my Dad is still hanging in there. He is out of ICU but she said there isn't much improvement. They are discussing some type of after-care facility as he's not able to go back home yet and Ingrid doesn't want the help of Hospice at this time. That won't happen until later this week though, if then.

Amber and Andy close on their new place tomorrow. Exciting times! The next day the improvements will start and they will be going in all week to do the painting. Luckily they have the rest of the month to move in as they have their apartment until the end of November. So exciting!

This next week should be pretty calm. Last week after getting back from LA we had conferences on Tuesday and Thursday night. It made for a long week!

I saw this little guy at the feeder this morning. There wasn't much left after the raccoons have been at it all week! They are so brave. The other night it wasn't even dark yet and there was one hanging from the feeder! Aren't raccoons supposed to hibernate or something?

No pup pictures this week. Sorry Andy. I know how you look forward to them. I'll have to pull one (or three) out of the archives!

Have a good week everyone!

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