Sunday, May 3, 2009

Another Nice Spring Weekend...

It's always nice when the sun is shining and it's fairly warm outside. Howard was up bright and early Saturday morning to go fishing with some guys from work. They took a boat out onto the Detroit River and drifted from Canada back to Detroit in search of Walleye. He didn't catch any himself but the Captain caught a couple and gave them to Howard. Guess what we had for dinner last night? That's right, Walleye. It's a whitefish so you can prepare it a couple ways but I chose to put some lemon, butter, salt and pepper and a few Herbs de Provence on there, wrapped it in parchment paper and foil and then just cooked it on the grill for a bit. It was tasty and light. We had enough left over to freeze for about 3 more meals.

Today we took a little road trip in the Mustang with the top down. It's nice to take the back roads to new destinations. When we got back I took the pups to the high school field for some frisbee. They couldn't stay too long though as they got overheated pretty quickly. I never get tired of these pictures!!

The weekend is almost over and it's back to work tomorrow. Why does the week drag and the weekend fly? It's just not right.

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