Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day and Counting Down...

I didn't post last weekend because we were having some serious computer problems. We (Tyler) ended up taking the whole thing down to the computer store and had to wipe out everything. Turns out we somehow had some nasty viruses. Things are better now and it's finally working but I hate it when that happens because you then have to search for everything and reload. Unfortunately H lost some files he had on there for the Homeowner's Assn. and he spent a good deal of last Sunday trying to recreate what he had lost. Happy Birthday Amber, one day old! Amber celebrated her birthday on Sunday. All reports were that it was a great day, complete with decorations and lots of goodies. The guys spent some time doing stuff around the house. H had a nice pile of sticks to burn and Tyler got another container ready for me to plant some more potatoes. The first pot is really doing well. I've had to add soil a few times already. In fact, the back lower deck is turning into quite the garden spot with some leftover tomatoes that I couldn't fit at the garden and of course the potatoes. Tyler and I headed out to the garden. My plan was just to plant my 5 tomato plants and marigolds. Plans changed however when we got there to discover that the whole plot was loaded with weeds! Guess that horse manure really did the trick. It took us several hours to weed and then finish the planting. I'm just glad Ty was with me because I would have been there a couple more hours if he hadn't been. I was off on Friday for a teacher development day so I've enjoyed a nice long, 4 day weekend! We got a lot accomplished this weekend as well. We planted flowers here and there after putting down a load of mulch on Saturday. The boys made pretty quick work of things and the yard looks great. Saturday afternoon I noticed that our front yard bird house had new occupants and they've been busy. They've already hatched some babies and are busy carrying food in to their brood. Late Saturday evening H was sitting at the desk in the office area and noticed that the neighbors cat was trying to get to the babies and he had to chase it off a couple times. Yesterday I noticed the same cat, in his own yard across the street this time, toying with a baby chipmunk. Devil cat. Speaking of birds, I also saw a hummer in the front yard on Friday. I figured I better get my feeder up in the back yard. Can you see the hummer? No? Well, believe me, he was there a second ago. By the time I got the camera he took off and I haven't been able to get a decent picture of them all weekend. While sitting down on the lower deck Saturday I saw the mama duck and her little babies. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera when I saw them but yesterday they came back around again and I got some pictures. Some of them are a little blurry but they still show how adorable the little babies are! They can't be very old because they are still pretty little. I just hope they all make it to adulthood between the vicious cats and the coyotes that people report seeing in the neighborhood. The weekend has been beautifully sunny but still a little chilly, highs in the 60's. I even had to cover some flowers Friday night when a frost warning was predicted. Today when I went out to the garden it looks like my marigolds have been nipped a little. I may have to replant but we'll see if they come back. One of the tomatoes looks a little worse for wear also. Today has been a bit cloudy, at least this afternoon, and showers have been coming off and on. Looks like H will have to hold the umbrella while he's grilling those burgers and dogs. The coming week will be a short one. Not only do we have Monday off for Memorial Day, but I have two mandatory days I still need to take off so I'm planning on Friday and then again next Monday. Might as well start winding down because school will be out in two short weeks! We have a busy summer ahead of us. Weddings, vacations, visits, babies!! Better take it easy while I can. Have a good week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are ready for summer!