The first day of June!! Summer (officially) is just a couple weeks away. But the weather here in Michigan has been HOT, HOT, HOT!!! It's been 89 degrees the last couple of days. Yesterday the K+1 classes had their class picnic, outside on the playground. It was really HOT!! But kids never let the heat get them down. They still have plenty of energy to spare. One of the happiest times though was when we turned the hose on and let them run through it!
Only 3 days of school to go for me. This is the earliest ending of school I can remember in all the years we have lived here. Of course, the kids "checked out" a week or so ago already. Once the weather heats up and they don't have to wear coats out to recess, they are thinking about summer. The last few days are all about celebrations, yearbook signings, lasts, etc. One of the last things we do on the last day is "clap out" the 5th graders. It's an emotional time for them and for some of us who have known them since they were kindergartners, as we line the hallways and clap for them as they leave our school. They are moving on to the big "middle school" where instead of being the big 5th graders, they will be the new 6th graders. It's both a sad and happy time.
As for the family, all is well. Howard working too hard, emergencies at work, tension, problem solving and maybe a game of golf every week if he is lucky, watching the Tigers, Pistons and weekend golf. He's also assembling his list of household projects for the summer.
Amber still moving forward with the wedding plans. Cake decided on (cupcakes and a small topper cake); flowers being decided, mostly white with some green, what's in season in the fall; the string quartet chosen; still looking for a DJ; plans being made for the "girl's weekend" in Chicago; the Bridal Luncheon here in her home town being finalized, lots of things going on but so far all running smoothly.
Tyler is busy with his summer class and lab. He's starting to miss his friends which have all traveled back to their home towns. He figures he will have to make some new friends for the summer. He's surfing every day and trying to find a way to buy his own board. He'll probably have to wait until he finds a job for that purchase. He's also trying to get a job at the dive shop where he took the scuba lessons. The owner is so busy he hasn't had much time to discuss things for Tyler to do. I'm still working on having him send me pics.
Scott is enjoying his summer now that he's gotten his car repaired. He's learned an important lesson about checking your oil, i.e., CHECK IT. This has been a very expensive lesson for him so I don't think he'll soon forget it. Grandma now has her car back though she isn't really driving it. The poor car was probably in shock, being driven so much these past two months when it hasn't really been driven for 2 years! Scott starts working SCAMP (the summer camp for the physically and mentally challenged) in a couple weeks and he's still working at Mr. B's a couple nights a week. Plus Mom and Dad have had plenty of chores for him around the house. Next week is the mulch delivery which should keep him out of trouble for a few days anyway!
As for me, I'm planning all the things I need to accomplish this summer. A garage sale is at the top of the list, after I gather together all the wonderful things I want someone else to own, instead of me. Maybe some painting around the house, lots of organizing and cleaning, gardening, reading, and somewhere in there I should probably find a summer job. Whew, I'm tired already and summer hasn't even started!