Monday, December 4, 2006


Well, so much for Indian Summer!! This past weekend it was really cold and now today it is snowing. I don't think it will be enough to shovel but it's very slippery. Last weekend was spent finishing up the Christmas letter until I ran out of ink. We have the tree up but no lights yet. I have been doing a little shopping, mostly on the internet. It's so much easier shopping in the comfort of the living room rather than running from the car to a store when it's below 30 out there. I wanted to take some pictures of the snow but it was just too cold to stand out there and take a picture. This weekend I did take a couple of Zoe though. In the picture on the right she's wearing an apparatus that Howard bought her! Can you tell she doesn't like it much? It really looks cute though, Zoe Reindeer. I already had this "embellishment" (on the left) purchased and she seemed to like it a little better. I'd say she's all set for Christmas now. I don't really like to dress her in clothes but I do enjoy an accessory now and then.

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