Friday morning's flight was totally uneventful. The drive to the airport, however, wasn't quite as easy. I took the route I usually take, a surface street, 4 lanes, that goes straight down to the airport but unbeknownst to me there was construction going on for most of the drive. Finally, after about 1/2 hour in bumper to bumper, stop and go traffic, I called Amber to google me an alternate route. I took a couple wrong turns and had to stop at McDonald's to use the bathroom but I made it with about an hour to spare before my flight left. The only other inconvenience with the flight was that for some reason my seat selection had been cancelled so I had to sit in Row 36 (out of 38) so I was waaaaay at the back of the plane right next to the engine. Thankfully I hadn't checked a bag so I got off fairly quickly and Amber and Quinn picked me up without a problem. I jumped in the back seat with Quinn and at first she was ok but then that lower lip started quivering. In another few minutes she was smiling and everything was fine again.
Except for a quick trip to the park we just hung around the house for the afternoon. It was kind of cool and windy at the park so we didn't stay long. I took a few pics but she was totally out of it, hardly smiled at all.
This next one was about the only one where she cracked a smile. I had to be ridiculous!
Saturday morning we 3 girls headed to Kohl's for a little retail therapy. I had $30 Kohl's cash that I wanted to spend before it expired. We didn't find too much that was worth buying so we quickly found a few things and we were easily home in time for Quinn's nap. While she was sleeping Amber and I went to get pedicures. I really needed one but the woman who did mine was really rough and tickled my feet like crazy! The rest of the day was spent hanging out with Quinn, watching her perfect all her new skills like crawling, pulling up on furniture and sitting back down. She has gotten so much bigger in just 5 short weeks.
Amber and I also spent a little time cleaning out and organizing her closet. Amber found this Aussie pup I had given her for Christmas a few years back and Quinn had a ball with it. Every time we made it bark she laughed and laughed!
I tried to talk Andy & Amber into going out to dinner or a movie but they just wanted to get a pizza and hang out at home. Quinn was in bed before 8:00 and we watched Julie and Julia and I was barely able to stay awake through the whole thing.
Sunday was a beautiful day. The sun was out and it wasn't as windy as Saturday. The weatherman predicted a perfect day for the Zoo. We all ate breakfast and Quinn took her morning nap before we headed out. The best thing about the day was spending time with Quinn and Amber and Andy and being outside on a beautiful Fall day.
Here's Quinn (and me) waiting for Amber & Andy to make a quick stop in Starbucks before we hit the zoo.
Oh, here they are now!
First stop, Sloth Bear. He was very slothlike.
The Pandas were supposed to be a big draw but they were mostly hiding behind stuff and if not for my telephoto lens we wouldn't have even been able to see them. We tried from several spots to see the Pandas but they weren't very cooperative either. This was the best I could do.
This was probably the best panda shot of the day!
Unfortunately the animals weren't really into people looking at them at the zoo. Here are a few pictures I managed to get.
Cute little monkey!!
After we left the zoo we walked to a restaurant nearby for lunch and ate outside on the patio. Quinn was fascinated with the pigeons who waited anxiously for any crumbs to drop.
When we returned home we girls took a nap though one of us not nearly as long as everyone would have liked. I've never known a baby who can get by on such little sleep. I spent the afternoon trying to get some good video of her for her Uncle Tyler. I feel bad he's missing out on all her growing up and won't get to see her again until she's over a year old. This is the best I can do. I wanted to get her "talking" in so you'll have to forgive Amber & Andy discussing a home improvement they are working on in the background. Guess I should have told them I was filming!! :-)
The trip home was uneventful, other than what I said before about it being such a busy time at the airport. The Reagan airport is fairly small and the gate was pretty packed when I got to it, barely a seat to sit in. I was in Zone 4, the last zone to board and as I learned earlier this year, I never want to be the last to get in line when my zone is called so I got close to the line when Zone 3 was called. Even with doing that, I was one of the last people on the plane in Row 13! How does that happen? Of course I had a window seat and the other two people in my row were already seated so they had to get up and move and wait for me to get settled. Somehow in the process my cell phone fell out of my pocket and disappeared somewhere under the seat. You are so jammed into the seat there is no room to maneuver and look around so I just decided I would wait until the plane landed and try to find the phone then. Of course then I worried about it ringing but then figured if it rang at least I would hear it and could possibly find it and then after all that worrying, remembered it was on vibrate. After all that worrying, about half way through the flight, I felt something hit my foot, slid off my sandal and felt my phone. It had returned to me after all!
Weekends like this make me wish we all lived closer together. Even with getting to see Quinn every month or so it's just too long between visits. Oh well, I have something to look forward to! Hurry up Thanksgiving!!!
So I wrote this post last Monday but the week has been so busy I didn't have time to download and get the pictures on here until today.
We in ESL finally finished giving the MEAP on Thursday. I was the last one. I ended up reading 3rd, 4th and 5th grade Math tests and 5th grade Science and just supervised the 3rd and 4th and 5th grade reading and writing. It really was a busy two week period. Things should return to normal next week except for the dreaded anticipation of Halloween! The kids really start getting wound up by Wednesday and after that, forget it, you aren't getting much out of them! Friday afternoon will be the parties so we won't be getting anything done on that day!
It's cold, gray and raining off and on here this weekend. I have two very disappointed pups. Every time I head toward the back door they get so excited and then realize they aren't going with me.
Speaking of going places, I talked to Tyler briefly last night on Skype and he was heading to Seoul for a few days of training. I guess most of the teachers arrive there in September and go for training now. Even though he's been there since May I guess they figured he needed some training too. Hopefully it will be a nice trip for him and he'll take lots of pictures and update his blog!! (subtle hint)
Not too much else happening around here this weekend. H took my car down to the tire shop today to get some badly needed tires, just in time for winter driving. Even though the car doesn't have 40,000 miles on it yet and it's a 2002, I guess the tires have worn out. I'm glad I don't have to worry about driving those 3-4 miles to work and back every day on bad tires!
I do have to get out to the garden soon and pull everything out but I'm guessing it won't be this weekend as the weather man is predicting more rain for tomorrow. I haven't been out there in weeks so I'm sure most everything is brown and dead by now. I also have about 40 tulip bulbs to get planted before we start getting hard frosts that will make it too hard to dig them in.
Tyler-hope you enjoy the videos of Quinn. She's getting so big!
Have a good week!!
Good videos, great commentary!
I know! I especially loved the commentary!! :-)
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