Someone was appreciative.
They never left the kitchen. I made a quadruple batch and it will last for 6 weeks, hopefully, if we dole them out sparingly.
Then Sunday morning, since it was still chilly, we turned the oven on again and made Dutch Babies for breakfast.
Saturday morning we headed over to the farmer's market for supplies. The tomatoes were delicious, so we bought basil to go with them. Then Sunday night we turned them into this.
H-man made this all by himself. Who knew he had this talent? I think he's been holding out on us!
So many things at the Farmer's market were calling our names. The carrots, peaches, lettuce, eggs, corn on the cob. So many yummy things, only a few bags to carry it all in (and only so much room in the refrigerator).
I love this time of year when everything is so fresh and available.
In other news, Tyler made it home safely on Friday. We made it to our Dr. appointments and so far nothing is conclusive. The surgeon couldn't tell us if he will have to have surgery to remove the mass until he meets with another Dr. We hope to know more later this week. Until then, we'll just hope he doesn't have another episode.
Amber and Andy spent some time this weekend getting the baby's room ready. They have bought a crib and will be picking it up soon. The painting will begin soon in pretty baby girl colors. I'm sure there will be pink in there somewhere. They have been feeling the baby move now. It's so exciting.
I had planned to go out to the garden this weekend but with all the rain and cold weather I never made it. Maybe tomorrow. I should have some things that are ripe by now.
With summer almost over I've had lots of hummingbirds at the feeder. Instead of just coming for breakfast, lunch and dinner they seem to keep coming all day long. As soon as one leaves, another arrives. I've even had two there at once which I have never seen before. Of course, I could never get a picture of that. Not yet anyway.
Please summer, stay a little longer.
OMG! Do you have a tiny little cookie cutter for those? Wild! What is your recipe? I've been looking at various recipes on the internet, but there are SO many to choose from that I've just been overwhelmed. I'd like to try some with my kids.
Al that human food looks/sounds pretty amazing, too. I'm glad I've had dinner or I'd be raiding the fridge about now!
I'm glad your son is home and exams/tests are under way. Again, best of luck to you on all of that.
Hi Lynilu! Yes, I do have a tiny little cookie cutter. I can't remember specifically where I got it but they are out there or check on the internet. You know you can get anything on that thing!! I have two recipes but their favorite is the Zoe's Cheesy Bites. The basic recipe is: 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 cup shredded sharp cheese, 1 tablespoon garlic powder, 1 tablespoon butter (softened) and 1/2 cup milk. I put the flour and cheese in my Kitchenaide mixer, mix 'em up. Then add the garlic powder and butter. Then slowly add the milk until it's all incorporated. Now, when I make this I ALWAYS triple or quadruple the recipe. It's labor intensive, the cutting and baking part so I make plenty and then freeze them in little baggies. They freeze wonderfully. Take a little batter, knead it until it's smooth and then roll it out, pretty thin and cut the cookies. Put them on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes. After that time I usually use a spatula and loosen then and mix em up and cook for aother 5 minutes or so. My pups like them crispy. I tell ya, when they hear that "cookie jar" shake, they come running. I also have a peanut butter recipe but they don't like it as well. Like I said, it's mostly labor intensive. I line them up side by side on a cookie sheet and a quadruple recipe makes about 3-1/2 cookie sheets worth so it takes a couple hours to get it done. So worth it though to know what they're getting. I think the quadruple recipe make about 7 small baggies worth which last my two 6 weeks or so. Let me know how it goes. If you want the peanut butter one send me your email and I'll send it to you.
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