Monday, October 15, 2012

And I Lived....

To tell the tale!! I know no one else thought I wouldn't make it but I have to admit, I did have my doubts. Even after 3 C-sections and 1 appendectomy, I've never been put under before. Sometimes people don't wake up. It can happen. Of course no one ever thinks it will happen to them, but I do! I had surgery on my eye on Thursday to remove a mole that was on my lash line and starting to block my vision. When I was telling people at school that I was going in for this surgery only a few even knew what I was talking about. I've managed to camouflage it well for 10 or so years but without that makeup it was HUGE! I went in Thursday morning at 7:00, got prepped, which amounted to wearing a gown and getting an IV in my hand. I was wheeled into the "operating room", the anesthetist said he was going to start giving me "the medicine" and the next thing I knew they were calling my name in the recovery area. Easy peasy! I've kept ice on it for 3 days, as ordered, tried not to bend at the waist or lift anything, slept on my back propped up, taken extra strength Tylenol and now, 3 days later it's looking ok. Now my next dilema, how in the hell am I going to get through the next week at work with NO MAKEUP?
It's been a pretty dismal weekend. Yesterday it rained most of the day and was very gray. Today is warmer, interestingly, but also gray and a bit windy. I had just resigned myself into packing away my capris and sandals and then today it is actually warm enough to wear them.
At least for one more day. Then the cold comes back and Fall is back in the air.
I haven't seen a hummingbird in at least 10 days now.
Squirrels are abundant and stocking up their winter pantry's. I just realized yesterday that I haven't seen my old buddy Stumpy in quite some time. I hope he survived the summer.
This weekend I baked these cookies (Thanks Pillsbury)
and made some dog food.
And I made these this afternoon. Someone may be getting a little surprise in the mail soon!
Mostly I put a pack of peas on my eye every hour, faithfully, so I couldn't go too far from home. Those frozen peas don't travel well.
Even though we've had a few frosts, these roses are hanging on. These are the last though. Pretty pink roses, I will miss you!
Everyone in the neighborhood is getting ready for Halloween. I've noticed how many people are decorating for Halloween these days. I haven't even bought a pumpkin yet. I'll have to get on that soon.
A, A & Q are rolling along. Anon has been sick this weekend. Hope you feel better soon, Anon!! We've been "face timing" with Q most nights. She's such a character. Her imagination just amazes me. This is her rendition of singing with a microphone.
I just love her style!! And I love that she loves purple, like her Mimi!
It's going to be a long time until Christmas!
Tyler is doing ok. We try to talk to him on Sunday afternoons (Sunday morning for him). The job search continues. He's branching out from Marine Biology and just wants to find anything he can right now so his savings doesn't run out.
Scott is enjoying his life without the "rents". We usually talk to him or he drops by on the weekend. He's supposed to come by for dinner tonight. Probably the first time he's had a vegetable in a while! He really likes his new job too. He says it gets better and better every day.
That's it. Have a good week! GO TIGERS!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep us updated on Stumpy!