By the next morning she was her happy little self again. Here she is sitting in her new booster chair waiting for breakfast!
Happy girl again!
Zoe and Charlie did a good job of keeping off her blanket. Well, most of the time. They just wanted to be up in her face so badly! It took everything they had to keep back and not lick her face!
Right after breakfast Grandpa decided that he and Quinn should take a little stroll around the block.
Scott helped Quinn get close and personal with Charlie. She really started looking for Charlie and would giggle when he came around.
Grandpa and Quinn chillaxin' with their remotes in the big chair.
Scott's 22nd Birthday was on Tuesday so we celebrated on Monday with cupcakes.
Much too quickly our time with Quinn and Amber was over and they headed to the airport and back home Monday afternoon. I'm sure Quinn was so happy to get back to her own crib!
Quinn thought Charlie was so funny!
On Sunday I started sneezing and generally not feeling well and by the time the girls left on Monday it had turned into a full blown head cold. Miserable, that's how I felt. I struggled to make it through that first day of school and picked up some really good drugs on the way home. They worked so well that by Wednesday I was feeling much better, though I didn't sound too good.
The rest of the week went well and I'm really enjoying my new job. There is a lot to learn and I'm learning as quickly as I can but there's a lot to it. We've been testing a little so I had to learn how to do that and we've been venturing out to other schools to learn who needs testing there. I had to administer my first test on Friday and it happened (unfortunately) to be in the Principal's office with her sitting 6 feet away from me! Talk about intimidating! I muddled through somehow and at least now I have my first screening behind me.
Yesterday was a rainy day so I got lots of things done around the house that were badly needed, like cleaning my poor fish tank. Those poor fish were gasping for oxygen but they look much better now. I also took the pups to the park in the morning, before the rain started and they were very grateful!
Today was an absolutely picture perfect Michigan day. The sun was beautiful and the temps and humidity were low. It was around 70-75, perfect. I took the pups to the park around noon and they were full of energy. The plan had been to let them off leash for a bit and then take them for a walk on leash. They ran around for a few minutes and then took off running and no amount of me calling their names brought them back in a timely fashion. When they did finally decide to turn around they ended up inside the baseball field with me on the other side of the fence. By the time I walked to the gate I was ready to take them home.
The last thing on my agenda today was something I had been wanting to learn for quite some time. It was one of the items on my "bucket list". It had always seemed so intimidating to me that I didn't even want to attempt it. But after a little research on line (what can't you google and learn?) I had my list of supplies and headed out to buy everything that was needed.
First the main ingredient: tomatoes
Par boil and skin
Water bath
Success!! 9 quarts of summer tomatoes
I have always wanted to learn how to can and after listening to someone at work claim that it was really easy I decided to give it a try. It really wasn't too bad. Mostly you just need to plan well. I have already learned what not to do next year. The real test will be how they taste when I open that first jar in a few months!
I have another busy week coming up and we start bowling on Friday!
Have a good week!
I love baby giggles!!
Me too Lynilu. She's just starting to do that and it's so stinkin' cute!
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