Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving and beyond

Thanksgiving has come and gone! Scott was resting pre-Turkey as he worked late the night before. Apparently the night before Thanksgiving is a big bar night as all the kids come home from college and meet their friends at the bar. My Mom came over and we made quick work of the turkey and all the fixings. Since the weather was so mild the boys decided the day after Thanksgiving would be a good time to get a jump on the Christmas decorations. We had an amazingly mild weekend for the end of November. Howard had to make a quick shopping trip as most of the lights from last year weren't working. The house looks great now and we are ready, on the outside at least. I put up a few decorations inside yesterday but will wait until next weekend to put up the tree. I even started buying a few gifts before the holiday weekend but stayed home on "Black Friday". Amber spent her weekend on the other side of the state, visiting Drew's family.

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